Tester : Do you know anything about Win Runner, QTP
TesterWorld(ME) : They are automational tools used for checkinging the functionality
Tester : That answer any one can say who are in testing field. Tell me are you manual / automation tester.
Our conversation went top to the hill, as he argued that Automation will re place manual testing, I got annoyed with his reasonless argument and I just asked a simple question. Can you test any appliccation that has no functionality/specification document).Tester : No, i cant test. how can we test with out any of the documents.
This was the answer he gave me, i really pitty for most of the people who are not skilled testers and still acts as if they are senior QA, etc. So this post is for those people who are really intrested and passionate about testing.
I have taken the Stefans Dash board as it really looks great and made me exciting while i was testing for this post, (http://abouttesting.blogspot.com/2008/06/testing-dashboard.html) . This made me really exciting while seeing the sample screen shot in the above mentioned post and i downloaded the file with out reading the whole post
First thought regarding the Dashboard :
when I unzipped it, i found a html file, excel sheet, two images, and one sample screen shot. I opened the HTML file AND FOUND no values are getting populated in dashboard, I was shocked why is this not getting opened, i thought some of the files must have been deleted intensionally.
Second thought regarding the dashboard :
After some time later, again i went into the folder and opened the html File in notepad, unfortunately i am poor at programming languages but i gussed the path that was given in html file, that excel sheet has to be placed in C drive and then immediately i did that and again i opened the html file. Hurray it got opened. Offcourse the path can also be changed to as desired location and can be given in the notepad, inorder to make the dashboard to be worked.
Third thought regarding the dashboard :
So i tried in doing couple of changes, just by status to pass to fail, changing version and adding comments everythings seems to be cool and working fine, then i used some of diffrent scenarios.
Sceanrio 1
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the "autteststatus.html" file, and click on the change status button
2. In the comments give as 'test' and try to save a java script error is populated.
Scenario 2
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the "autteststatus.html" file, and click on the change status button
2. Now give the word in double quotes in comments column and save, you can observe that comments column is saved, now again click on the change button you can observe that, there is no data present for the changes you done previously
Scenario 3
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the "autteststatus.html" file, and click on the change status button
2. Enter the comments column with html tags like test and save you can find that it is saved and displayed as bold. Now again click on the change button, now ive the name in html tags like
Scenario 4:
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the "autteststatus.xls" file, and click on the change status button
2. Give the comments as 'test' note the costumer and version no. now open the html file and observe that starting quote is misssing in the column.
These were some of the scenarios Please be passioante about the work you do, that will make you rich and wealthy.