How to Identify and Prevent Common Performance Issues: A Guide for Non-Technical Users:


Website performance is crucial for both user experience and search engine optimization. Slow loading times and frequent crashes can lead to high bounce rates and poor search engine rankings. As a website owner, it's important to be aware of common performance issues and how to prevent them.

In this guide, we will focus on three common performance issues: memory leaks, thread deadlocks, and database contention. These issues can be difficult to diagnose and fix, but with the right approach, you can prevent them from happening in the first place. Will try to provide a brief explanation of each issue and then offer tips for identifying and preventing them. By the end of this guide, you will have a better understanding of how to optimize your website's performance and keep it running smoothly.

Please note that this guide is for non-technical users, so we will be using simple language and avoiding technical jargon as much as possible.

Memory Leaks

A memory leak occurs when a program allocates memory for a specific task and then fails to release it after the task is completed. Over time, these small leaks can add up and cause the program to use more and more memory, eventually leading to poor performance or crashes.One of the main symptoms of a memory leak is that the program's memory usage gradually increases over time, even when it's not doing anything. You may also notice that the program becomes slower and less responsive as memory usage increases.

To identify memory leaks, you can use a tool called a memory profiler. These tools can help you track the program's memory usage over time and identify which parts of the code are causing the leaks.Once you've identified the source of the leak, you can start working on preventing it. Here are a few best practices you can follow to avoid memory leaks

  • Be mindful of creating new objects and discarding them when they are no longer needed.
  • Use smart pointers and RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization) techniques to manage memory automatically.
  • Avoid creating cyclic references, which can prevent garbage collection.
  • Use a language that has automatic memory management, such as Java or C#. These languages have built-in mechanisms for managing memory and can help prevent leaks.

Thread DeadLocks

A thread deadlock occurs when two or more threads are blocked and unable to continue execution because each one is waiting for the other to release a resource. This can lead to poor performance or even cause the program to freeze or crash.Thread deadlocks can be difficult to identify, but you may notice that the program becomes unresponsive or that certain tasks take an unusually long time to complete.

To identify thread deadlocks, you can use a tool called a thread profiler. These tools can help you track the program's thread usage over time and identify which parts of the code are causing the deadlocks.Once you've identified the source of the deadlock, you can start working on preventing it. Here are a few best practices you can follow to avoid thread deadlocks:

  • Avoid using nested locks, as they can lead to deadlocks.
  • Use a timeout mechanism for resources that are in high demand.
  • Use the 'try-lock' pattern for resources that may be held for a short period of time.
  • Use a synchronization mechanism, such as semaphores, to control access to shared resources.
  • Use a lock-free data structure to ensure that threads never wait for resources

Database contention

Database contention occurs when multiple processes are trying to access the same resource at the same time, such as a table or a row in a database. This can lead to poor performance, as the database has to work harder to manage the multiple requests.Symptoms of database contention include slow query performance, high CPU usage, and long wait times for database locks.

To identify database contention, you can use a tool called a database profiler. These tools can help you track the database's usage over time and identify which parts of the code are causing the contention.Once you've identified the source of the contention, you can start working on preventing it. Here are a few best practices you can follow to avoid database contention:

  • Use indexes to optimize queries and reduce contention.
  • Use partitioning to spread the load across multiple servers.
  • Avoid using table scans, which can cause contention.
  • Use stored procedures to group related queries and reduce contention.
  • Use a connection pool to limit the number of open connections to the database.


In this guide, we've discussed three common performance issues: memory leaks, thread deadlocks, and database contention. We've provided an overview of what each issue is, how it can affect performance, and tips for identifying and preventing them.By following the best practices outlined in this guide, you can help ensure that your website runs smoothly and avoids performance issues. Remember, that preventing these performance issues requires careful programming and testing, but with the right approach, you can keep your website running at optimal performance.

It's worth mentioning that identifying and preventing these performance issues can be a complex task, especially for non-technical users. If you're having trouble identifying or preventing performance issues on your own, it may be beneficial to hire a developer or consultant with experience in performance optimization to help you.For further learning, you can refer to the additional resources such as books, blogs, and online tutorials. These resources can provide more detailed information on the topics covered in this guide, and can help you take your performance optimization to the next level.

Thank you for reading this guide. I hope you found it helpful and informative.

Jenkins and Jmeter Integration (PART 1)

There are several posts which are already present. I am not creating this post with reference to any of the posts available over internet. Jenkins + Jmeter integration is quite simple, am use this execution by using "Ant" in the below steps
  1. Environmental set up
  2. Configuration set up
  3. Invoking Jmeter from Jenkins which also includes publishing the results at Jenkins
We will discuss each one in phase wise and with initial set/minimal configurations for ease of the understanding how to do achieve this configuration. First we will look at the environment set up, and in the part 2 we will see next 2 steps

Environmental set up:Three things which are most important for this integration is "Ant", "Jmeter", "Jenkins". All the below configuration were subjected to Windows OS.

ANT:Download the ant from apache, and set the path till "bin" folder i.e is

Jmeter:Download the Jmeter and set the path till Bin folder, i.e

Jenkins:Download Jenkins from the Jenkins site, and deploy it. You can either deploy in the tomecat etc server or run the command from the command line
Java –jar Jenkins.war

This will deploy automatically, since Jenkins uses embedded servlet container called winstone with in it. Note: If the Jenkins deployment is done with the above steps then Jenkins have to be started always using the above command or after the first installation you can set as windows service.

NOTE: All the above were still depend on Java, make sure that java is installed and set up correctly.

    Jmeter - OS Sampler :

    Jmeter has released version 2.7 with some of the great features and enhancements/improvements in JMS and Web services samplers and with new sampler "OS Sampler". For the reference please go through the below link

    Rather than taking about all enhancements let us see about the new sampler "OS Sampler"
    OS sampler uses the command line command called "DIG" which is an inbuild tool as apackage with most of the linux packages, some of them were listed below.
    1. Bind Tools (Gentoo)
    2. Bind-utils (Red Hat and Fedora)
    3. Dnsutils (debian)

      DIG is usually used to dig/get the information of DNS servers, mail servers, IP address etc.


    Look YourSelf in Mirror

    Hello Readers,
    This is my last post in this year. I Wish you a happy Christmas and New Year Celebrations.

    When I looked at myself in mirror thought "Ho man, One more year is over in my life and what have you done"? This Question started running in my mind in the beginning of December and still continues... Then i started collecting the good and bad things that i have done in this year and also what is the difference that i made in past years compared to this year.
    Ans : I wasted one more year as usual. But always it teaches me a lesson.

    Good things (off course its only for me :)
    1. When i received mail from the person, whom i doesn't know(Martin Havlat) that "my rights to forum has been updated to Moderator" . This mail really boosted my for doing some thing from out of the box.
    2. Lots of appreciations from Manager, Leads, Colleagues etc. off course from my side as well.
    3. Implementing TestLink in my Company. ( this was the toughest job that i have done in my career till now)
    3. Rest of things are normal, this are only special things that i can share.

    Bad things,
    Obviously I dont want to discuss but still,
    1. Implementation of TestLink in my company was so delayed for 'N' number of reasons which i can not discuss and i also feel for it.
    2. Most of the time i felt i should have done many things in a better way.

    You may think why i made this post. There is a reason.

    "Mirror is like two sides of a coin,
    You never knew the go0d and bad Until you realize by seeing it"

    I releasized when i saw in mirror my self and thought of the question "Ho man, One more year is over in my life and what have you done" if this doesn't come to my mind i would never knew whats is happened in the past or this year.

    I am happy for what i did but i also made few great things that i had not done in my past this is what made me difference from the past to current year(2009)

    i am moving a head with more passionate for what i do for coming year.

    Please If your more passionate



    Working with TestLink

    i was excited working on it, i really felt good but, there are also disadvantages/factors that has to be considered and in fact i learnt few things/lessons in implementing (not yet implemented decision left for management) When I started taking this task, we knew that it is hard to implement this, but for the long run this is good, Problem is for a project that have 40000+ test cases which will be really hard to dump into testlink. So if testlink is implemented in a new projects i think this can be fit.

    As for my observations these were the Hurdles/disadvantages as for our project is concerned regarding implementing the Testlink tool.

    1. In order to migrate our test cases completely to Test Link, which takes a lot of time, though the import functionality is given, these can be done only via XML(including custom fields). 2. This restricts only to Pass, fail or blocked status are only available as for as test cases execution/while generating Results.

    Advantages :
    1. Easy in tracking test cases(search with keyword, test case id, version etc)
    2. We can add our custom fields to test cases.
    3. Allocating the work either test case creation/execution/preparing any kind of documents is easy
    4. when a test cases is updated the previous version also can be tracked
    5. We can generate results build wise
    6. Test plans are created for builds and work allocations can be done.
    7. Report, is one of the awesome functionality present in the Test link, it generates reports in desired format like HTML/ CSV /Excel and more over the art of reports is based on the results from the test case executions that were allocated build wise/individual resources/test plan with pass/failed percentage and this can also be generated in graphs.
    8. And the above all is done on the privileges based which is an art of the testlink and i liked this feature much

    This post is made not to use testlink or neither to implement the tool. I wrote this post since we could learn before implemnting the tools a few lessons and i learnt the following lessons
    1. Regardless the features of the tool, we need to look how far is this feasible to the project
    2. Environment and process also has to be considered as well
    3. Time is main factor in implementing such tools in such huge project etc.....

    Off course all the above mentioned lessons were heard that while implementing any kind of tool we need to consider the above points, but today i experienced those lessons and enjoyed in doing such work.

    Update: Atleaset we started to implement for one of the project. yet, there are many challenges to come.